Tranquility and Turbulence, a Great Blue Heron watches the water rushing by below
Great Blue Herons are amazing creatures I’ve photographed many times, and hope to many times more. They can be showy and raucous, especially when around other herons competing for territory or mates. But they can also be such patient, quiet, and unmoving creatures.
Today’s photograph is of a Great Blue Heron standing on the rocks over the Potomac River at Great Falls, large quantities of water rushing by below. I’m always amazed by the contrast between the turbulence of the water and the seeming tranquility of the heron as it somehow gazes below the surface of the river searching out its next meal.
I love photographing at Great Falls. The sounds of the water act like white noise, almost drowning out other sounds, helping me focus on what I’m viewing. And the amazing speed and motion of the water keeps my attention, hypnotizing with its patterns and rhythms. I sometimes get lost in the scene.
The river can be very violent, depending on the water level. And yet, Great Blue Herons are still able to find places to fish, even in such fast moving water. They stand, perfectly still, surveying the water below. As seen in the photo, it can often be very muddy, and yet they see the fish below its surface. And as still as they often stand, it’s a real wonder to watch them when they finally lash out towards the water, beak opening to grasp a fish, forked tongue hooking the fish and pulling it in.
Have I mentioned how much I love Great Blue Herons? 😁