
Colonial Beach in Winter by Todd Henson

A little snow remained at the Colonial Beach Municipal Pier

In mid-January my father and I went for a drive and found ourselves at Colonial Beach in the Northern Neck of Virginia. This is a popular summer destination for some folks but isn’t very popular at all during the colder months of winter, which means I found it far more appealing in winter. Snow had fallen about a week before and though most of that had melted there were still some small amounts on the pier and beach.

Under the gazebo looking out at the pier

Snow and gulls on Colonial Beach pier

Over to the left was what I called cormorant pier for all the cormorants perched along the length

It was a cold day but not frigid. And there were hardly any people about, though we encountered many gulls and cormorants as you can see in the photos. The weather forecast had called for a small chance of rain in some areas of Virginia, and though we didn’t run into any it did result in some nice overcast conditions and clouds with a bit of character. Overall I found it a very calm, quiet and beautiful day and I’m glad we decided to pay the beach a visit.

Colonial Beach Municipal Pier and the Potomac River

A final look at winter at Colonial Beach

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Mockingbird in C8 by Todd Henson

Mockingbird in C8

Today we look at a single photograph of a northern mockingbird, an extremely common bird in Virginia, and yet one I find endlessly fascinating. They are extremely talented musicians, able to perform a much wider range of material than most other birds. I enjoy just sitting and listening, closing my eyes and imagining I’m surrounded by a flurry of dozens of different species instead of just the one bird, so easy to do with their vocal skills.

Photographed in mid-afternoon, the sun still fairly high in the sky with clouds in the background makes for a fairly high-key image. I was pleased the mockingbird chose this perch and posed just so, allowing for this simple composition.

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Silhouettes in Nature by Todd Henson

I’m not certain if I’ve experimented with, or shown, photographic silhouettes before. Something prompted me to try it with these two photos, and so here you are, two examples of silhouettes in nature.

Caroline wren in silhouette

When I first photographed these birds I wasn’t thinking about creating silhouettes from them. I simply didn’t think enough about the exposure with these strongly backlit subjects, which resulted in a fair bit of underexposure. I suppose that’s what sparked the idea of silhouettes.

Song sparrow in silhouette

I increased the contrast in post, darkening the darks and lightening the lights. As simple as this is, I enjoyed it and I could see myself trying this again, either with photos already in my library or actively seeking to create these in the field.

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