I recently learned from Alexander Kunz that 2022 is the year of Very Peri. And what exactly is Very Peri, you might ask? It’s the Pantone Color of the Year for 2022. Pantone are the color people and each year they choose a color to represent that year.
I was inspired by Alex and others who created a collection of their photographs containing colors that most closely resemble Very Peri, so I decided to attempt the same thing. It began by looking for any photos in Lightroom I’d keyworded with “purple.” But I knew there had to me more in there because I’ve not always been good about keywording. So I took some time and went back through my archives and pulled out a few more.
Below is what I found. Some of these I wouldn’t have shared if not for the color. And I make no guarantees that any actually are Very Peri, but I hope you enjoy the collection, just the same.
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