
Polypore and Feather Moss Galore by Todd Henson

Polypore and Feather Moss Galore

This is a photo I created back in 2020, though I let it sit on the computer all this time before doing anything with it. I was drawn to the scene by the contrast between texture and color of the polypore mushroom and the surrounding feather moss. I thought it was a pleasant mixture of browns and green, and I loved that white band around the edge of the mushroom. I hope you enjoy it.

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Fungi and Ferns by Todd Henson

Autumnal Fungi on the Forest Floor by Todd Henson

Potato Chips in the Forest?

Hiking through the forest earlier this month (October 2021) I noticed mushrooms sprouting up all along some sections of trail. And, of course, being a nature photographer with a very general and flexible set of interests I just couldn’t pass them by without creating a few photographs. So in this post I share a small collection of the mushrooms I found, all with nearby leaves to show the season as autumn.

A Fungal Family Outting

A Mushroom Spotlit by the Sun

As tempting as it can be, I did not arrange any leaves (or mushrooms) in these photos. All are just as I found them, with the one exception being the removal of a single small leaf that had a nasty shiny splotch of slime atop it. Back home in the digital darkroom I performed my typical adjustments, such as exposure, color balance, white and black points, and some creative dodging and burning.

A Bendable Mushroom

Looking Down on a Bendable Mushroom

Autumnal Mushrooms

Quite often I’m inspired by other photographers, and in this case I want to acknowledge JWSmith Photography, who published a couple posts with his recent discoveries while mushroom hunting up in Maine. Check out his posts, Mushrooms and Mushrooms - Part II.

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