Favorite Images

Best Photos of 2024: My Favorites of the Year by Todd Henson

Now that 2024 is in the rearview mirror it’s time to take a moment and look back through all the photos created in the year and pick out my personal favorites. If you’ve been with me throughout the year then I hope you enjoy this look back. And if this is your first time here, welcome!

Included with the photos is a link back to the blog post where it first appeared, along with a link to my online store where you can purchase the photos as prints, puzzles and a number of other products. Thanks very much for your support.


Thank you again for your support, and all the best to you in 2025!

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Best Photos of 2023: My Favorites of the Year by Todd Henson

2023 has come to a close, and with that closing opens an opportunity to look back at all the photos created over the coarse of the year and select my best, or favorites, of the year. This is always a challenging task. Some years I may struggle to find 10 favorites. Most often, thankfully, I struggle to narrow the selection down to just 10. But this editing process is always worth the effort as it helps teach us to be honest and critical with our own work, something that’s worth learning and improving over time. And perhaps it may reveal patterns in our work.

Below you’ll find my selection. You can click on any of the photos for a larger view. Below each photo are links to the blog post where I first shared the image as well as a link to my online store where you can purchase the photo as wall art or on a variety of different products like puzzles, cards, bags and more.


I hope you enjoyed viewing this gallery of images, whether for the first time or as a look back. Thanks very much for your time and your support, and all the best to you this new year.

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I appreciate your support!

Best Photos of 2022: My Favorites of the Year by Todd Henson

One of the things I enjoy about the end of the year is looking back at all the photos I’ve created and trying to narrow them down to a small set of favorites. In most years I’ve chosen just 10 but for 2022 I decided to up that to 12. There are 12 months in the year so why not 12 favorite photos? Granted, I didn’t choose a photo from each month, but it’s interesting to see which months ended up more productive as far as favorites are concerned.

Click on any of the photos for a larger view. Below each photo is the name of the image and a link back to the blog post where it first appeared, along with the month I created it, and a link to purchase the photo as wall art or on various products.

If this is your first time viewing these then I hope you enjoy them. And if you’ve seen them before then I hope you enjoy the look back.


That’s it for 2022. Thanks very much for taking a look. And thanks much for your support throughout the year.

Here’s to a great 2023!

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