Random Thoughts

Keep Your Eyes Open - White-tailed Deer by Todd Henson

Peek-a-Boo! A White-tailed Deer in the brush.

This post is all about keeping your eyes open when out hiking or photographing. You never know what you might see, what might be hiding just out of view, or perhaps just in view if you’ve trained yourself to see.

Several years ago I was hiking through a local park, mostly photographing birds. But I try to keep my eyes peeled for any movement, pattern, or interesting shapes. And in this case it helped me find a young white-tailed deer hiding in the brush just off the trail.

A White-tailed Deer winking at me as it walked away

Honestly, I don’t know that the deer was actually trying to hide, especially given how close it was to the trail. But it was frozen when I walked by. I noticed it because of those big white ears. They really stood out. So I put down the tripod and started photographing.

These aren’t great shots, but I’m happy I made them. They bring back great memories of being very close to wildlife, something I always enjoy. And they’re a reminder to keep our eyes open when hiking, to continue training our eyes, looking for those patterns that might help us find other animals in the future.

A month later I found these three White-tailed Deer at more of a distance but also hiding in the brush

A Fly on the Rail by Todd Henson

A fly on the rail at a local wetlands park

When heading out to photograph nature with a long telephoto lens most photographers, including myself, would be on the lookout for wildlife of some sort: birds, maybe deer, a shy fox, perhaps. But I try to keep my eyes open for anything because long lenses work great for other subjects, as well.

I was walking along the boardwalk of my favorite wetlands park. They have a slightly elevated section with a larger observation area with railing and benches. I was heading down the boardwalk from here towards the section flat against the water with no railing. And just before the railing ended I noticed a large fly, sitting on the metal rail. It remained where it was as I walked by, so I turned around, setup the tripod, and began photographing this patient little subject. I liked the angle of the railing and the interesting light patterns in the background. And, of course, flies are always fascinating subjects when viewed closer than we typically see them. Click on the image to see a larger view of the photo.

If you’re curious about the technical details I was using my 200-400mm lens at almost 400mm with a 1.4x teleconverter giving a focal length of 550mm. On a crop sensor body like my Nikon D500 this gives a 35mm equivalent focal length of 825mm. That’s a fair bit of reach.

My lens has a minimum focusing distance of around 6.5 feet, and I’d moved in as close as I could get. I set the aperture to f/8 to give the photo a little depth of field but still completely blur the background. I probably could have stopped down a bit more and gotten more of the fly in focus. This would have dropped the shutter speed or forced me to raise the ISO, but I had room for both in this situation.

With the light conditions what they were I had the ISO set to 400, giving me a shutter speed of 1/400 sec. I don’t like to let the shutter speed drop too low with this long lens, even when on a tripod. Too many chances of vibration blurring the image. I have a mild case of essential tremor, so there’s always a risk of me introducing vibration, which a long lens will amplify. And the fly was on railing attached to the boardwalk, which can vibrate far more than you’d think when people are walking on it nearby.

When photographing in this situation I tend to wait for folks to walk by and let the boardwalk settle before shooting. Then I try to focus on my breathing to calm myself and relax. And I very often put the shutter in burst mode and shoot in short bursts of 2-4 shots at a time. This can be a waste of frames and creates many more images I must sort through when I get home, but it also increases the chances that one of those frames will be more in focus than the others, so it’s often worth the extra effort.

Next time you’re out in the field, whether photographing or just out for a walk, look around you. Really focus on your surroundings. What do you see that most of us might overlook and walk by? Is there a chance it might make an interesting composition if you had a camera with you? Practice this exercise as often as you can, train yourself to see more in the world. I do this all the time but still have so much to learn. I see photographers I admire create compositions I doubt I ever would have seen the potential in, and yet they create something absolutely fantastic. We can do that, too, if we better learn how to see.

Goals for 2020 by Todd Henson

Contemplating the future

I’ve never really been into “New Year’s Resolutions,” but I am a believer in always having goals to work towards. Sometimes I create small, very achievable goals if I think I’ll need that feedback, that feeling of accomplishment. But other times I’ll choose a very challenging goal, even one I’m unlikely to achieve, because in those cases it’s not specifically the accomplishment of the goal that matters to me, but the idea of pushing myself to accomplish as much as I can, and pushing towards an almost impossible goal keeps me looking forward and striving for more. With those goals its more about the process and self-improvement than achieving something specific.

But one thing all my goals tend to have in common is that they are most often just in my head. I rarely formalize them or put them in writing. Because of this I lose track of some of them, forgetting or endlessly postponing. This year I decided to change that, or at least begin moving in a more formalized direction, perhaps one I’ll be better able to track, and maybe one that will result in my following through with more of my goals.

I don’t know that I’m ready to jump right into the process of creating S.M.A.R.T goals, meaning Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. These are popular with businesses and the self-help community, and for good reason, they do work. And perhaps one day I’ll go this far. But for now I’m just starting a list of goals I’d like to work towards in 2020.

Below is what I’ve come up with so far:

Get Out More Often

Walking a wetlands boardwalk

Over the last year or so I haven’t gotten out nearly as often as I once did. I miss getting out every weekend, sometimes multiple times on a weekend, and sometimes in the evenings during the week. Granted, life can get in the way, but I’d like to make more of an effort at photographing more often, perhaps 3 or more outings a month.

Print My Photos

Printing photos at home

A number of years ago I purchased a decent photo printer, but I haven’t really used it much. I’d like to change that. I’d like to begin printing at least 1 photograph a month. This will help me better learn the art and craft of printing, but also hopefully help me improve my photography, and encourage me to get out there creating new photos to print.

Start a Project

Just what is a project?

I’ve always admired photographers who work on long-term personal projects. It gives them something specific to work towards and keeps their vision sharp as they’re always on the lookout for that next element of the project. And it focuses you on creating a body of work, something greater than any individual photograph. One example is a Japanese photographer, Eiji Ohashi, who travels around his country photographing the amazing array of vending machines as parts of these incredible landscapes. He has a book I’d like to find, titled Roadside Lights. I don’t know what project(s) I would work towards, but I’d like to begin considering this.

Read Photography/Art Books

A stack of photography & art books to read

As I’ve written about before, I love reading books for inspiration, learning, and pure enjoyment. But last year I didn’t read nearly as much in the photography and art category as I’d have liked. So this year I’d like to read more, with a goal of at least 1 photography/art book every other month. I’d like to read both instructional books and also pure art books, what I sometimes refer to as portfolio books.

Read Non-photography Books

A selection of fiction and non-fiction books to read

My reading habits include genres outside photography and the arts. I love reading fiction, most often speculative fiction such as science fiction, fantasy and horror. But I also enjoy reading non-fiction on a number of topics. For several years now I’ve participated in the goodreads annual reading challenge, where you set a goal for the number of books you’ll read in any given year. I try to up this each year, knowing the number I read will vary depending on the time I have and the length of any books I read. That’s why I also use their statistics features to see how many pages I’ve read in a year. For 2020 my goal is to read 50 books totaling over 11,000 pages.


It’s time to learn

I’ve mentioned before some of the CreativeLive classes I’ve watched. I really enjoy these classes and I think I’ve learned quite a bit from them. Granted, it’s easy to put more time into watching the classes than stepping back and implementing what I’ve learned, so there’s always room for improvement here. But I haven’t watched as many this past year as I’d have liked. So, as with books, I’d like to watch at least 1 class every two months, and I’d like to put some effort into implementing some of what I learn.

Visit a museum

A hallway in the West wing of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC

I haven’t been to a museum in some time, and I miss that. I live not that far from Washington, DC, which is home to an amazing array of museums of every kind, many of which are free to the public. I’d like to make an effort to get to at least one of these museums this year. They can be a great source of inspiration, seeing the artwork created around the globe throughout history, learning more about a period of history and about the people of that time.


Relaxing amongst the cherry blossoms

I don’t want to let a list of written goals turn into a stressful burden. There seems little point in many of these goals if they make me miserable. I want to use them to grow, to improve my photography and myself, and to find more joy and fulfillment in life. Part of that will require making time to slow down, relax, and contemplate. This may be the most important of all the goals.

So those are some of my goals for 2020. Some may be easier to achieve than others. And I may create new goals and drop old ones as the year progresses. But at least this gives me a place to start, a set of initial goals to focus on, and something to look back on to measure my progress.

Have you thought about your goals for the year? How formal is your goal making process?