Field Notes Update

Cardinals Nesting in the Blueberries by Todd Henson

Male northern cardinal and blueberries

My folks have several blueberry bushes that some years provide great tasting blueberries and other years are almost completely eaten by wildlife before they’re fully ripe. The best blueberry years are those when there’s netting over the bushes, but sometimes there’s just not enough time to deal with new netting. This year we were trying to put up some make-shift netting, hoping to get some berries, when my father discovered a nest in one of the bushes, which turned out to be the nest of a pair of northern cardinals. And it contained at least three small blue eggs with brown spots, so it was an active nest. Pretty exciting, but also a little disappointing, as we wouldn’t be able to put up netting on that particular bush.

Northern cardinal eggs in a nest

While working around the bushes I took the opportunity to briefly photograph the nest and the eggs, as I’d never seen an active cardinal nest before. But I tried, as much as possible, to stay away from the nest, both so I didn’t disturb it and so I didn’t attract attention to it.

Female northern cardinal reaching for blueberries

Later, after we were finished with the netting, I setup at a distance and photographed some of the activity in the blueberry bushes. Many of the local birds are somewhat used to the presence of people, which makes photographing them much easier. And most years my folks have bird feeders, though this year they don’t as local authorities have recommended taking down all bird feeders because of a bird illness sweeping through the region that they think might be spread faster when birds congregate at feeders. Thankfully, I didn’t see evidence of this illness with these birds.

The female northern cardinal flying between branches

Mmmm, mmmm good! The female northern cardinal feasting on a blueberry

But being used to people, and having such a great food source as a blueberry bush with ripening berries, it was fairly easy to get some interesting photographs of the pair of cardinals. I setup at a bit of a distance from the bushes, right between some raised garden beds where my folks grow vegetables. I watched as the male cardinal sometimes turned to look at me as he heard the camera’s shutter click. And I watched as the female pulled down and ate several blueberries.

Though somewhat exposed up top, from the side the female northern cardinal is difficult to see in her nest

If you’re curious how to tell the male and female apart, look closely at the coloration. The male is a brighter red, whereas the female has some reddish tones to her feathers but is otherwise a duller color, more tan or brown. The dark feathers around the beak of the male are black, but on the female they are closer to gray.

Are you still there? One final look at the male northern cardinal peeking around some branches at me

We were hopeful this might turn into a productive nest but also concerned the cardinals had chosen a poor location. The nest was somewhat exposed up top. And the blueberry bushes, though containing plenty of food for the cardinals, also attracted many other birds and critters. I don’t know that building a nest right in the middle of a local food source for other animals was a good idea. Unfortunately, this did prove true, as several days later my father found the nest empty. I’m hopeful this was early enough in the season that the pair of cardinals found a better location to try again and that perhaps this story, even with the initial losses, had a happy ending.

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Sheltered Gray Treefrog by Todd Henson

Sheltered: A large gray treefrog resting on the rail

My neighborhood isn’t the sort of place I expect to find wildlife, and yet I do continue to find it in small numbers and especially in small forms. One that I’ve seen and photographed a few times now are small gray treefrogs, which seem to like my steps and railing.

Let Me Sleep!

I found this particular frog in the early afternoon one Sunday as I was heading out the door. Out of the corner of my eye I happened to see a shape I wasn’t used to seeing on the end of the railing at the base of my front steps and did a double take when I noticed this good sized gray tree frog sheltered in curve of the metal raining, sleeping off the day and waiting for night to head back out and about. The way the sun sets it picked a perfect position to shelter its eyes from much of the light. I had to bring up the shadows a fair bit in post-production to let you see its eyes.

Gray treefrog closeup

As you can see, its eyes were open, so it was aware I was there, but it didn’t see me as a threat and just remained resting as I slowly moved closer creating photos. The last photo gives a decent view of one of this frog’s eyes. Look at the interesting patterns there, and the little bits of color, like the orange in the eye and the green just below it. I never get tired of viewing these amazing little creatures.

For more, check out the two previous posts where I had encounters with gray treefrogs at the front of my house:

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Careful Where You Step - Eastern Copperhead by Todd Henson

I almost walked into this beautiful Eastern Copperhead

I’ve often encouraged you to keep your eyes open and learn to become more aware of what’s around you. Usually this is to allow you to better observe and appreciate the wonders of the natural world, but sometimes it’s also for your own safety. This past weekend while hiking with my father I almost walked right into an Eastern Copperhead, one of only three venomous snakes in Virginia and one of only two in this area (along with the Timber Rattlesnake), though thankfully it is the least venomous of them all. The third, if you’re curious, is the Northern Cottonmouth, also known as a water moccasin. I’m not sure I can describe the feeling I had when I looked down and saw the snake just below me, especially since this was, I believe, my first time seeing a copperhead in the wild. 😁

Thankfully, the Eastern Copperhead is not a naturally aggressive snake and will typically only lash out as a last resort at self defense. However, their natural defense is to remain perfectly motionless, which is how we can unknowingly disturb them if we do as I almost did and walk right into one. If touched they can because aggressive, and apparently if they’ve been sitting in the sun for a good long time and are nice and warm they can become aggressive more quickly than usual. I’ve read their bite is painful but generally not fatal. Still, it’s best to avoid the bite.

This particular Eastern Copperhead was just minding its own business, resting on the mud along the edge of the creek, perhaps coiled up watching for any small animals that might wander by and become prey. From what I’ve read this coil pattern is very common, with the tail raised in the air, and the head elevated at a slight angle. It was hard to say for certain, but it appeared to be about the average length of an adult, which is two to three feet. And it had a darker tail tip, unlike juveniles which have a yellow tail tip.

The best side view I managed to capture of this Eastern Copperhead

When threatened or nervous Eastern Copperhead will vibrate their tail, though they aren’t rattlesnakes so you won’t hear that typical rattle sound unless they vibrate their tail in dry leaves which apparently can cause a sound very similar to that of a rattler. Interestingly, they will also sometimes vibrate their tail to attract prey, which leaves me (jokingly) wondering if I happen by a copperhead and it’s vibrating its tail is it trying to warm me off or is it trying to attract me as prey?!? 😁 This particular copperhead remained perfectly motionless the entire time we were there, which wasn’t all that long, just long enough to get a good look at it and create several photographs.

We found the snake along a creek in a wooded area with plenty of exposed rock surfaces, perfect habitat for them. But you can find them all over Virginia in many different habitats. Unfortunately, that can bring them right to your home. I have friends who’ve had problems with copperhead in their garage, around their deck, or in their shed. As I’d mentioned they’re not a naturally aggressive snake, but because they remain motionless when nervous it can be easy to run right into one without knowing it’s there. And that can be a problem for young children or pets, so folks who live in those areas take special care to watch for them.

A cropped in view to show you the entirety of the coiled Eastern Copperhead. Notice the tail raised almost straight up and the head raised at a slight angle.

As is often the case these days the only lens I had with me was my 105 mm macro lens. In this situation I wish I’d had a longer focal length so I could perhaps have gotten some better closeups, but I was also very glad I had my 105 mm instead of a wider angle lens. I moved as close as I felt I could without disturbing the snake. I wish I could have maneuvered more to the side to get a better profile view, and I wish I could have gotten down on the ground to get an eye-level view. But there wasn’t a lot of room to move around, I didn’t want to disturb the snake, and this being the first I’ve seen in the wild I’m not comfortable enough with my knowledge of their behavior to risk moving too close and seriously aggravate it. But I’m very happy I was able to capture the images I did, and I hope to safely create more in the future.

A heavily cropped view to give you a better view of the back of the head, some of the patterns, and the tail. Notice that very angled shape to the head, which can be used to identify the venomous snakes in this area.

A heavily cropped view to show you the very distinctive vertical pupil in the eye, another feature of venomous snakes.

For the two photographs with the wider views I cropped in just a little, they’re almost full frame. But I did create some other versions far more heavily cropped to let you better see some detail in this remarkable snake. In the closeup of the head notice the angled shape of the head and the vertical pupil in the eye, distinctive of vipers. They’re called pit vipers because they have heat sensing pits located between eye and nostril and used to help locate prey. Unfortunately, these photos don’t provide a good view of the pit. But I’m hopeful they do contain enough detail to give you a decent (and safe) view of this Eastern Copperhead with the beautiful patterns along its length and that coppery colored head that gives the viper its name. It really is a remarkable creature.

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