Grasshopper resting on a Thai chili pepper
I wonder if this grasshopper has acquired a taste for Thai chili peppers? My brother mentioned several of the peppers he’s picked have had their tips eaten by something. Then I found this grasshopper conveniently perched atop a ripening pepper. Could this be the culprit? Do we have a Thai Chili Hopper in the garden?
I was worried the grasshopper would spring if I spent too much time around it so I opted to handhold my camera, letting me move in and out with less effort. This does mean the photos are likely not as sharp as they could have been if I’d spent more time on them. To get in close enough I attached extension tubes to the 70-300mm lens. This made creating sharp photos even more difficult, but I was just out having fun with these images, so I'm pleased with the results.
Some like it hot!
Top down view on our Thai Chili Hopper
Is this the guilty party that's been nibbling on the chili peppers?
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