Lines of light and shadow on the forest floor
The last weekend of November my father and I picked a trail we’d not hiked before, which can be a slightly risky thing as we don’t know exactly what to expect, and some of the trails through the park have a fair bit of elevation change to them, at least for us. But it’s also a bit exciting because we’ve no idea what we might discover and whether this might become a favorite trail we long to return to.
A brisk morning in the woods
What leaves are left
Being late November most of the leaves had fallen. It was a clear day which let the sunlight stream through the trees creating all kinds of interesting lines of light and shadow. The trail we chose happened to go directly into the sun, which is a bit of a mixed bag. It makes it a challenge to see clearly sometimes but it also let us see some great dynamic lighting effects.
Hiking into the sun
I’m sharing a small sampling of the photos I created that morning. I think I barely scratched the surface of the theme of lines of light and shadow in the forest. Any trail we took might present completely different scenery showcasing even more fascinating lines. I hope I can continue exploring this theme on future hikes. And I hope you enjoy the photos.
Looking back
And as a bonus, below is a photograph of the late November leaf litter. It’s mostly oak leaves of two different species, but there are also beech leaves, a lone red maple leaf, and I think I see a poplar in there, as well. These are some of the more common trees in this forest.
Late November leaf litter
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