Playground of the Fae
I’d searched my entire life and I’d finally found the gateway to fairyland. I documented my discovery, photographed the gateway, and sent you an evidentiary missive. I hope you received it. The odds of you receiving this one are perhaps even less than the previous, but I must continue. And I will keep documenting my findings.
And my findings have been wondrous. Upon entering the gateway I found myself in a forest that seemed at once familiar and foreign. I’d found the gateway in woods I knew well, and so perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised the woods beyond were equally familiar. And yet, as you can see if you receive this letter and photograph, they are also so extraordinarily different. It’s a playground of the fae.
How can I convey to you just how wondrous is this realm? The photograph can’t fully capture the impossible reality, the shifting kaleidoscopic colors and patterns, the swirling shapes just out of view, the rustle of something moving just beyond a tree, the enticing scent of something making me feel almost at home and yet knowing I couldn’t be further from it.
I found myself at a crossroads, with a path to the left and one to the right. I stood long contemplating which path to take. They looked the same, mirror images of one another. Perhaps they would take me to the same place. Perhaps not. But I must find out. Before moving on, though, I created this photograph and wrote you these words. I hope they will find their way back to you, though I’m uncertain how they could. But one can hope.
And I have never lost my hope. Or my desire to know more, to explore. And explore I shall. I will pick a path. I know not which. I will sit here a while, breathing in, relaxing, calming my mind and my heart. I know I will feel a pull, either left or right. And when I move on I will continue my efforts to document and to share with you the wonders of this journey and of this land.
Another Inverted World. I hope you enjoy these periodic departures from my usual posts. The photo above began with the one below, which I also enjoy. But as I let it rest, let it breathe, I found myself curious if there was more. So I inverted it again and found a wider landscape, and a wider world to explore.
Entering the Playground of the Fae
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