Field Notes: WINTER WREN
Low quality image of a Winter Wren. Notice the frost on the plants.
Low quality image of a Winter Wren. Notice its very short tail sticking straight up.
The Winter Wren is a small wren with a very short tail. It’s one of the less common wrens, sticking close to the ground and often staying hidden in shaded areas. Kenn Kaufman has noted it behaves more like a mouse than a bird.
The included photos are of very low quality. The Winter Wren popped out of the brush between the sun and I, leaving itself largely in shadow. I fired off a few shots as quickly as I could just to capture something, then the wren was gone and didn’t turn up again in the next couple hours I remained in the area. I had been following reports of a Sedge Wren in the area, another uncommon bird. I never saw the Sedge Wren, but at least I caught a glimpse of the Winter Wren. I hope to have future opportunities to observe and photograph them both.