Male Prothonotary Warbler
Prothonotary Warblers are easily identifiable. They are largely yellow birds with blue-grey wings. They're found around water and trees, often in swampy areas. They are sometimes known as the "Golden Swamp Warbler." The male Prothonotary Warbler has a bright solid yellow head and chest. The female coloration is a duller yellow
The Prothonotary in these photos was found along a trail between two swampy areas just inland from a river bay. It was a surprisingly cooperative bird, hopping and flying from branch to branch and along the ground, all very close to me, looking for insects. The sun was behind it so it was in the shade and occasionally harshly back lit, but it was a very enjoyable experience.
Male Prothonotary Warbler
Male Prothonotary Warbler
Male Prothonotary Warbler
Male Prothonotary Warbler